Thanks for the pictures Ron! It really gives Andrew a boost to see a friendly face !

2024 14er Attempt Blog
Andrew does plan to return to S. Colony Lakes, but the Mule will exchange the downhill mountain bike for the dirt bike for the ride down. Does anyone know if Homie made it? I forgot to ask.
Our beloved Andrea managed to get the Cielo Vista Ranch to give Andrew until 7am!!!!!!! Just texted his satellite tracker, his response was “relief.”
I haven’t heard back if he is coming back out S Colony or going to go out Willow Creek. If he doesn’t come back out the way he goes in, then James has to walk all the way up the road to retrieve the dirtbike, drive to the other trailhead, have food ready, and try to get some sleep before Andrew returns and they have to book it to the ranch by 6am. Support is extremely difficult and a HUGE thanks to James “the mule” Sims for his tireless efforts!
From the Mule:
If you’re having dirt bike problems I feel bad for you son. ..I got two big problems and a rear brake is one. A slight crash bent the rear brake into a non functioning mess and the electrical fairy disapproved of Andrew having brights on the dirt bike. It’s o.k. though my dad’s an electrician I’m well versed in fixing things.
Andrew is still in this for sure. We will be cutting it close to make the gate tomorrow at culebra considering the twelve hour trail head to trail head in the Crestone group and a long drive south. The team is strong and I really believe we can make the window.
“I am in big trouble! I have to get the Crestones done today in time to be at Culebra tomorrow morning [at 6am.] It is going to be a real nail biter! Crap I am so pissed!!!!”
from Andrew at 930am this morning.
I have not heard anything since getting this text from James at 614am.
“He is still feeling good and eating well. The night route finding is harder then expected with the large quantity of snow. We are only back two hours off the original plan so that’s exciting.”
Thanks for all the geeks crunching the numbers on, especially Homie for the play by play! Looks like he just had a nice glissade off Redcloud. Others were wondering what he has for traction. He has hiking boots, waterproof trailrunners, +/-gaiters, +/-microspikes, +/-crampons, +/- snowshoes.
Mountains Climbed:
1)Windom 2)Sunlight 3)Eolus 4) N. Eolus 5)El Diente 6)Mt. Wilson 7)Wilson Peak 8)Sneffels 9)Handies 10)Sunshine 11)Redcloud
Andrew really enjoyed his mountainbike downhill off ROA trailhead! He is eating well and feels good. Hopefully Andrea can do some more updates during the day, as I will be heading back to work in bit. Just got a text, they are leaving Ouray now.
Sorry for the late addition, but someone does have to (financially) support this endeavor! Calvin and Axel are on their way with Andrea, probably at Rock of Ages by now to meet up. 9news tried to do a little phone interview, but I was working. Clearly they could have used a little help with the details.
As you all have figured out by now, he made the train!
James says that Andrew feels strong so far. It got a little stormy with rain and sleet, but seems like the wind has pushed out some of that weather. Cloudy with a hint of blue over the Wilsons.
So it looks like he started right at 430am! I hope Andrew is right about his splits. If he doesn’t make the train at 1115am, he may have to restart tomorrow! There is a noon train, but it does not pick up regular passengers at that time.
After driving all night to drop off the Volkswagen to Andrew’s Mom Brenda in Durango, they spent this morning doing some last minute prepping! James and Andrew are waiting to catch the train from Silverton to Needleton for the hike to Chicago Basin. It looks like he plans to start between 4 and 4:30am tomorrow (Wednesday, June 18th) morning, depending on how optimistic he feels, 3000ft below Windom. He must make it back to the train by 11:15am to catch the train back from Needleton to Silverton. It looks like the weather may throw some light rain/snow/gusty winds at him.