WE ARE MOVING ON!!!! Screwed up N. Maroon descent he got cliffed out, but didn’t want to back down so HE “just did it.” (Something you prob shouldn’t tell your support crew) Bell Cord was terrible mush. Although I’d say he crushed it. What is it they say??? Oh…NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!! His legs are TIRED!!! But I’ll take it!!!!!!! Drive to castle creek was smooth then opted to sleep for 45 min so I doctored him up, he ate after coming back from cap, (a warm baked potato loaded with cheese- he LOVED IT along with some pad thai) and Laura and I packed his pack. His legs look great, although after that rest break getting going again he was TIGHT for sure and he hobbled away into Kyle’s car! Big thanks to our friend James who will be hiking these next two with Andrew!!! KICK BUTT ANDREW!!! 0528 he left us at lower TH! 1001 and Andrew COMPLETES THE ELKS!!!!!!! Transition should be smooth to Elbert and Massive, we just need to keep the sleep demons off HOLY CROSS! Now about me- It’s a sad day. 3/4 of our support crew leaves today. Spending the last 6-7 days with Andrews family have been some of the best laughs and memories I’ll ever have. Gigi and Florian left with the RV and Axel and Calvin right after we left Capitol. I will hopefully see Gigi in August. Laura and Natalie will be leaving after Andrew does Massive. The amount of work and team effort that has been put into this does not go unrecognized and we would not be where we are right now if you guys were not here helping this run as smoothly as possible. BIG THANKS!!!!! I am so thankful for David- Laura’s husband who will be coming out along with Andrews mom Brenda for the remainder of the record to help out Kyle and myself.