Sorry photos are upside down/sideways!!! ENJOY!

This happened
This happened
We are ready for you!!!
We are ready for you!!!
Talk about motivation for BADDAD!!!
Talk about motivation for BADDAD!!!
Arriving at Princeton trailhead!! Hail and downpouring!!! But still smiling!!
Arriving at Princeton trailhead!! Hail and downpouring!!! But still smiling!!
Lindsey washout!!! What a mess! Andrew and I Booked it to the pathfinder with whatever we could grab!
Lindsey washout!!! What a mess! Andrew and I booked it to the pathfinder with whatever we could grab!
From Andrews POV
From Andrews POV
Princeton Downpour! It's not over!
Princeton Downpour! It’s not over! More to storms to come!
GO ANDREW GO! a little water hurt no one ;)
GO ANDREW GO! a little water hurt no one 😉 – HANDIES
The dark doesn't mean sleep- that's what transitions are for
The dark doesn’t mean sleep- that’s what transitions are for
The Needle!
The Needle!
Natalie and Kyle- crestones?
Natalie and Kyle- crestones?


keep smiling!
keep smiling!
Natalie and Kiddos
Natalie and Kiddos
Our support family
Our support family


Down Time spent cleaning...
Down Time spent cleaning…
"look what I found Andrea!!!"
“look what I found Andrea!!!”

While the world was sleeping

Got the flat fixed last night! THANK YOU PAT! spare was a full reg tire thankful for that. Florian drove Van, Laura- pathfinder and pat, his own car :). Of course we packed and repacked and organized, and got a full 2 hours of sleep!!!! The infamous Noel (cookiehiker) showed up with cookies and it was awesome to see her! Andrew knew she would be showing up and when he got back and was in the van, I was pulling out food and the first thing he said was “where are my cookies!?” HE LOVED THEM! Thanks Noel! ALSO big THANKS to Jeff who hiked with Andrew all last night!! Andrew said “he could have run miles up and around me. He RAN when I went on my bike. (That Pat hiked up for Andrew to 11k) He was prob annoyed when I stayed on road the whole way up I just didn’t want to have to think!” Andrew summited around 0058, with GREAT weather!! he is sore but still going. We taped him up nice and good while he was passed out!! And now….Antero!!!  Laura drove out to town to get a new tire, and thank goodness she did a huge nail was in the tire!!!! That could have been bad if we needed another tire, and had no spare because haha. So YAY LAURA you saved us from potential disaster. It’s hard to crew guys, nothing about this is easy, communication has been a little rough, and mix in lack of sleep. But we are still going!!!! GO ANDREW GO!!!!!!


Well no, can't say I'm havingi fun watching this sucker move in!! It's Pouring!!!! 259pm
Well no, can’t say I’m having fun watching this sucker move in!! It’s Pouring!!!! 259pm


(Disclaimer- not what the weather is now. Currently- RAIN)

Gigi, Axel, Max, Calvin, Florian. Looking good guys!!
Gigi, Axel, Max, Calvin, Florian. Lookin good guys!!
Crestone group... It's 128 pm- Andrew is just off kit Carson
Crestone group… It’s 128 pm- Andrew is just off kit Carson


as I sit here and *try* to get some shut eye it’s hard, and I don’t really know if we can ever get a “good” night sleep, but I love this and wouldn’t rather be anywhere else than sitting at the base of crestones worrying about Andrew lol. Everyone is up by the trail head, they decided to go for a nice hike, I’m sure they went at least to Kyle’s car (or bike- which was dropped off at 3000 ft mark).Our friends Pat and his son Max Manson came to spend the day with us and how fun that the kids have a friend to PLAY with finally!! So here are the mountains and the clouds, tonight storms will clear out for Andrew around 930pm… Just in time if all is on schedule. GO ANDREW GO!!!!

Kyle running back from asking for help
Kyle running back from asking for help